What is the most important thing to live peaceful & happy life?? Lots of Money & Property or lots of protein or food??
No!! The most important thing to live happy life is being in good health, mentality and very good relations with everyone. Share the love and receives the double.
In short Happiness resides not in Possessions & not Gold, Happiness dwells in the Souls.
First of all know your self, in this competitive world we have become too selfish, for a moment close your eyes, & think yourself, we are one of the most beautiful species of this world, a human being.
Long ago, God created many different species, we are one of his wonderful creations, after times, human developed &; created groups, it divided the society, then different states, & they created there own religions as per the state boundaries, languages invented.
it created a barrier in communication, which leads to misunderstanding & the misunderstanding was converted in to wars.
don't we know that we are the children of the one god, just the difference is, everyone looks god in their own views.
I've already mentioned in my earlier post about the meaning of relations, also I would like to add few points as ahead,
relations / friendship never bind because of same status / class, same religion, same city / state, same language, same color or same age,
its happen because of true feelings, trust, sharing's, care, love, respect, lots of fun, honesty &; many things.
There is nothing on this Earth more to be Prized than True friendship.
Now how to live healthy relationship ? First try to Understand people, if you don't then it may leads towards misunderstanding and conflicts of decisions,
After listening them, Talk, bcoz Communication is more about listening than talking, keep talking about right things rather than gossiping or whispering, talk good things, like their progress, appreciate it, share positive stories, feelings & loves.
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle & the Life of the candle will not be shortened,
likewise Happiness never decreases by being shared, it light more as the sun.
Be a good friend, help them in their growth, they’d be happier, more confident and more productive.
Understand their problems, consider as its yours, try to solve them or give effective & easy solutions.
Laughing, smiling :Always find things to laugh about. Laugh together. Times are tough.
Tragedy happens in all families & situation. Things will go wrong. But if you find ways to laugh about "it" you'll form a special bond and can overcome anything!
Some time you may get hurt by somebody at that moment, forget & forgive.
Travel &spend some time with them, play indoor or outdoor games, watch movies together.
Always be kind & helpful.
keep in touch, don't miss any event or ceremony, attend it whatever misunderstanding happen. Participate in their happiness & sorrows,
be with them, stand for them whenever they need.
Always Support Each Other, never disappoint anybody by your actions and words, or
never ever leave them unsupported. Whatever be the opinions and ideas, know that you are the only one he/she can lean for support.
Never expect too much from your friends, just accept or be Happy & satisfied with whatever you gets, its one of the secret for living happy relation.
Mind your manners. Too often we show more respect to strangers than to those we love.
'Please hand me that plate' is kinder, gentler than 'Hand me that.' Would you, could you, please, sorry, these are magic words. They're not just for formality.
If money is lost nothing is lost,
if health is lost something is lost
but if character is lost everything is lost..
May be you can buy everything which you want by lots of money or power, but you can not buy true love,
respect & relations.
Mostly avoid money exchange between your friends or relatives this may spoil your relation because of any mistake in completing agreements or invalid commitments.
One more thing wherever you goes you will find some very good people & few bad ones too,
try to match or live with them for that moment or simply avoid them if its creating more problems.
Good people always stay good, so just feel /enjoy the freedom with them, do & enjoy the madness with them.
In reality nobody is good or bad just their thinking or work made them what they are.
Adopt the good things and neglect the bad things from everyone.
There are some people who are good by heart but sometime they may play pranks In most cases, these may create number of problems, try to forgive them,
just wait &; look for their 'conversion in normal/good' while you knows that a leopard can not change its dark spots.
Discussion is Exchange of Intelligence, Argument is Exchange of Ignorance.
Be Peaceful. be Courteous, obey the law, respect everyone, but if someone puts his hand on u, send him to Cemetery. :D
Too much sweet may create diabetes like wise too much communication or contact may taste bad or remove the sweetness from your relation,
it may spoil the good relation, so small distance is also require, so it will surprise or may you feel good by meeting after long time..
These are some most common things by which you can live with a happy relation, & always remember that we are not immortals, someday we gonna out of this world so before that make sure, you don't disappoint or hurt anyone, try to make someone smile & try to be reason for someones happiness, may be that person will never forgets you and you will live forever in there stories..
Life is simple, let keep it that way.
That's it.. ;)
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